‘Audience Effects Theory’

1) Write a definition of a passive audience:
A passive audience is an audience that simply observes the media text rather than responding to the media text.

2) Write a definition of an active audience:
An active audience is audience is an audience who observes the media text and actively respond to the media text.

3) Write a definition of the hypodermic needle theory
It was on 1930s belief that suggest the the  audiences are always passive and take the intended message from the the producer as if it was injected into their minds.

4) Write down a media product for each category of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory and WHY it fits that particular audience use/gratification: 

RELATIONSHIPS: Avengers Series 
 > Why: Because its's been around since 2012 and it's still continuing and you build a relationship wit characters and you don't want the characters to get into trouble because you feel sympathy for that character.

 > Why: Because the show teaches us about the earth and animal wildlife.


 > Why: Because it relates to young people living in urban London, Knife crime and drug crime and gun crime.

 > Why: Because there alot of action in the movie sometimes I feel i'm there.

5) Re-watch the clip from Blue Planet above and write a paragraph analysing how elements of the clip offer the audience pleasures or gratifications (use media terminology from Uses and Gratifications theory and the 3 Vs - notes outlined above). 

Surveillance: Uses and Gratifications theory fits this particular audience use/gratification because it teaches us about Wildlife and what is threatening to them and their habitat, this teaches us new things that we didn't already know. entertainment: Uses and Gratifications theory fits this particular audience use because it helps us escape from the real world and go deep into the depths of the ocean and all we focus on is what the speaker in the background is saying which helps reality go away. Relationships: Uses theory fits this particular audience gratification because it helps us build a strong bond with the animals and we start to care about what will happen to the animals if we don't do something about it and also it makes us happy to see the creatures/animals happy. If we take interest in this TV show we may experience Vicarious Pleasure, this is because we begin to see things from the animals view and try to imagine how they feel living life the way they do.


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