Doctor Strange: blog tasks

1) List the companies involved in the creation of Doctor Strange.
The companies involved with the creation of Doctor Strange are the following Disney and its subsidiary company Marvel.
2) What is conglomerate ownership and how does it link to Doctor Strange?
A conglomerate is when a large company buys a smaller company in order to gain maximum revenue this links to Doctor strange as Disney is a conglomerate that owns marvel.

3) Who regulates the film industry in the UK?
The company that regulates the film industry in the UK is British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).

4) What age rating was Doctor Strange given? Why?
Doctor Strange was given a 12A rating (The A means that you have to be accompanied by an adult). This is because the scenes have the following moderate fantasy violence, injury detail.

5) How was Doctor Strange promoted to an audience? List at least three different methods used by the film's marketing campaign.
One way Doctor Strange was promoted is through star power because the famous actor Benedict Cumberbatch was famous for his role as Sherlock Holmes and another way Doctor Strange was promoted was through teaser trailers shown online, TV's and cinema and another way it was promoted was through poster because people would see the Marvel logo on the poster and want to watch it straight away.

6) Analyse the film trailer for Doctor Strange. What aspects of the trailer tell you this is a big-budget blockbuster movie?
The aspects of the trailer that tells me this is a big-budget film is there is alot of cgi involved in the trailer for an example at 1:18 it shows CGI being shown. also there were a lot of countries shown in the for an example at the start it shows Doctor Strange in America and then in the middle of the trailer it show's Doctor Strange in an Asian country.

7) What was the production budget for Doctor Strange and how much did it make at the box office?
The production budget for Doctor Strange was $165 million and it made nearly $700 million at box office.

8) Would you consider Doctor Strange a successful Hollywood blockbuster? Why?
I would consider Doctor Strange as a successful Hollywood blockbuster because it made it made nearly $700 million at box office and that is $535 million profit.


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