Introduction to Science-fiction TV drama: blog tasks
1) How does Class meet the conventions of a TV drama series?
Class meet the conventions of a TV drama series by using many different things such as an high school as a setting, they also used CGI effects, another thing used in the trailer was suspenseful music and fast pace editing.
2) What conventions of the science-fiction genre can you find in the Class trailer? List as many as you can and use NCIS to help you
The conventions of science-fiction you can find in the Class trailer is there is an different universe/planet, they used intertextuality, this is because doctor who appears to be in the trailer, another convention you can find in the "Class" trailer is there is an alien character and finally you can see monsters in the clip.
3) What other genres are suggested by the trailer (e.g. horror)? Is Class an example of a modern hybrid-genre show?
Other genres that are suggested by the "Class" trailer is there is an scene when a girl parent walks in on a daughter talking to boy and she say's "What's going on here you're talking to a boy". This is suggested to show comedy.
4) Class is a spin-off from Doctor Who. At what point does the character of the Doctor appear in the trailer?
Doctor Who appears at the near end of the trailer and is shown by him shooting at monster's.
5) Who do you think the target audience for Class is? Is this a typical target audience for the science-fiction genre? Give reasons for your answer.
I think the target audience for Class is older teenagers (15-18). This is because it shows kissing scenes and it air's at 11pm.
Grade 8/9 Extension tasks:
Aside from the appearance of the Doctor, what other references or allusions are made to the Doctor Who universe?
Other references or allusions is that the school they go to is "Coal Hill Academy" but in is Doctor who it is called "Coal Hill School".
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